2004 Alaska Medallion - The Polar Bear

2004 Alaska Medallion-back. Click for larger Image
2004 Alaska Medallion-Polar Bear, back
2004 Alaska Medallion-Polar Bear, front. Click for larger image.
2004 Alaska Medallion-Polar Bear, front.

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Total one ounce proof mintage: 6,020
Total one ounce proof mintage: 134
One Ounce Current List Price: $225.00

The polar bear lives only in the northern hemisphere, almost always in association with the sea. They have a white coat, water repellent guard hairs, dense under fur, short furred snout, short ears and hair that almost completely covers the bottom of their feet. These features allow the bear to comfortably inhabit their cold environment.

Male bears weigh between 600 and 1,200 pounds. Mature females weigh 400 to 700 pounds. They stand between 8 and 10 feet tall. They have been recorded as old as 32 years old, but most do not live beyond 25 years old.

They mainly eat ringed seals. They are classified as a marine mammal and have partially webbed feet, which make them powerful swimmers. They dog paddle at 6.5 miles per hour and dive to depths of 30 feet.

Silver Trivia
Silver possesses working qualities similar to gold but enjoys greater reflectivity and can achieve the most brilliant polish of any metal. To make it durable for jewelry, however, pure silver (999 fineness) is often alloyed with small quantities of copper. In many countries, Sterling Silver (92.5% silver, 7.5% copper) is the standard for silverware and has been since the 14th century. The copper toughens the silver and makes it possible to use sterling silver for cutlery, bowls and other decorative items such as picture frames.